De Pacco Transports and Mover, Santa Barbara CA 93103
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De Pacco Transports and Mover

De Pacco Transports and MoverNon-Verified MoverNon-Verified Mover

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De Pacco Transports and Mover Location


De Pacco Transports and Mover
1329 Salinas Pl.
Santa BarbaraCA 93103 USA

Contact Info

Toll Free: 805-698 2978
Phone: 805-965 2793
Fax: 805-962 7930

De Pacco Transports and Mover: Gallery

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No Photo Christine
March 2, 2015


The Worst Mover Ever

This Mover, cheated me out of more than $17,000. He was hired to do a cross country move, and did not pack anything with blankets, and consequently destroyed most of my belongings. He padded his storage bill, he falsified his hours and he bilked me out of an enormous amount of funds. I am a senior citizen, and could not afford this devastating blow. He then tried to have me arrested for false charges. He is a criminal, and will do anything for money.

Origin : Santa Barbara Ca.
Destination : Decatur Ga.

Quoted Price : $10,000.00
Actual Price : $30,000.00

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