Glen Ellyn Storage Corporation, Chicago IL 60644-1478
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Glen Ellyn Storage Corporation, Chicago IL

Glen Ellyn Storage Corporation-Chicago, ILVerified MoverVerified Mover

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2.0(1) Reviews
Accuracy of Estimate 3.0
Moving Services 1.0
Packing Services 3.0
Professionalism 1.0

0% Recommended based on user reviews

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Membership(s) & License Info.

Member of AMSA: Yes
Is a ProMover ?: Yes
Agent for: Mayflower

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Glen Ellyn Storage Corporation, Chicago IL Location


Glen Ellyn Storage Corporation, Chicago IL
5410 W Roosevelt Rd
ChicagoIL 60644-1478 USA

Contact Info

Phone: 773-549-0730
Fax: 773-854-4064

Glen Ellyn Storage Corporation, Chicago IL: Gallery

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No Photo Eshwar
April 16, 2015


Horrible customer service

Surprising how these people are still in business. Horrible customer service. We ordered furniture from Z Gallerie and they were the middle men. I had to deal with Donna who was very rude and inflexible with the delivery times. She never called to confirm the delivery time and I had to call few times to figure that out. Although I specifically told her Saturday morning wouldn't work because we had a musical to attend with our daughter that we had already paid for the show, they called exactly in the middle of the show and said they'll be at our place in 15 minutes. We rushed home and were 5 minutes late and they ended up sending the driver elsewhere. She left a voicemail lying that the driver a lot of deliveries. Talking to the driver, it seemed my delivery was the last and he was going home after that. We ended up cancelling the order with Z Gallerie just out of principle and not wanting to deal with Donna anymore. We'll never shop at Z Gallerie if they deliver their stuff through these guys.

Origin : Chicago, IL
Destination : Chicago, IL

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