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How Different Types of Packing Materials Help You Move

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When moving, there are several materials that you need to keep your goods safe and secure during the moving process. It is important to be familiar with these items and to make sure that you have enough of these materials for your move. Each packing material will help in different ways on moving day.

Boxes provide you a cheap and durable option

Perhaps the items most connected with moving are cardboard boxes. Cardboard boxes are the perfect containers for carrying many of your household items. Different types of boxes are appropriate for certain goods.

  • File boxes are small boxes are used for transporting documents neatly and in an organized fashion
  • Lamp boxes, as the name implies, are tall and narrow and designed for moving lamps
  • Picture boxes are large, flat and adjustable -- perfect for keeping your artwork and mirrors safe during the move
  • Medium-sized boxes are not specifically made for any particular items but can hold anything that doesn't require special packaging
  • Kitchen boxes are cellular packing boxes for holding glassware, china and silverware
  • Large boxes are good for bigger items, like disassembled furniture pieces, clothes and linens
  • Extra-large boxes work well for small furniture, large lampshades and comforters
  • Wardrobe boxes contain a bar across the top designed for putting your hangers on, essentially making them portable closets

Protective materials will help you keep everything safe

Packing up requires more work than just putting everything in boxes. You have to properly protect your goods, so they won't be damaged as they travel around. You also need certain materials to protect your larger items that don't get put into boxes. Here is a list of the protective materials you are likely to use:

  • Newspaper can be used for wrapping fragile items, like china and glassware
  • Moving pads and moving blankets can be used for protecting your furniture, like tables and chairs, from getting scratched during the move
  • Bubble wrap can be used on your furniture or other large pieces to prevent scratches and dents
  • Plastic mattress covers will protect your mattress from getting dirty as it sits in the moving truck
  • Plastic stretch wrap can also be used to wrap your cardboard boxes that contain electronic items to keep moisture out

Labeling materials allow you to keep your boxes and items organized

  • Packing labels and stickers let you mark off which items are in each box and which boxes contain fragile stuff
  • Black permanent markers are good for writing clearly on labels and boxes
  • Packing tape is the best way to properly seal your boxes and reinforce the bottom anything containing heavy items
  • Tape dispensers make the job quick and easy -- without the trouble of using scissors or trying to find the edge of the tape

Adam Mandelbaum  Posted by Adam Mandelbaum on November 30, 2018

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