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Keeping Pets Happy and Calm During the Move

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Moving can be stressful for you, so you can imagine how your pets might behave on moving day. Like many pet owners, you probably want your pets to be safe and calm in any situation. Identifying ways to keep your pets happy during your move can make your relocation a positive experience for everyone involved.

Keeping calm

Many pets will take their emotional cues from their owners. If you are stressed out during the move, then your pet could feel anxious too. Having a calm disposition can help your pets behave with more control and focus. Your energy level is probably high on moving day and your pet can also be overly excited. Having an outlet for them to express their exuberance can help you avoid any moving delays.

Being consistent and finding a balance

Providing your pets with their usual amount of affection, reward, discipline, and exercise can be challenging on moving day. During the move, try to keep your pet's schedule as consistent as possible and provide them with portions of their normal routine. Depending on the type of pet you have, there are a few ways to achieve a more balanced day for them during your move:

  • Schedule a pet-sitter. Neighbors or friends and family can be an excellent resource for pet-sitting. They can interact with your pet or simply watch them during the move.
  • Keep a familiar space open. On moving day, try to reserve one room of your home for your pet. You can surround them with familiar objects, like your pet's toys and blankets. If you have a pet that lives in a container, like a tank or bowl, you could place them in a comfortable or quiet space.
  • Make car transport comfortable. Investing in a high-quality pet carrier can make the difference in your pet's relocation experience. The carrier should be well-ventilated and give your pet enough space to move around.
  • Bring familiar treats and toys with you. Your pet probably has a favorite snack or toy that you can give them while driving to your new location. Keeping their environment as familiar as possible can help them feel like nothing has changed.

Did You Know?

"Hawaii requires a 30- or 120-day quarantine for all dogs and cats. Hawaii's quarantine regulations vary by species, so check prior to travel."

You also want to make sure that your pet is happy and safe. If you're moving during the summer months, you shouldn't leave your car parked with your pet inside. Also, avoid letting your pets stick their heads outside of your vehicle's windows. Lastly, you should never transport your pet in the trunk of any vehicle or place them in an area without adequate ventilation.

You know your pet's routine, so providing them with a bit of their regular balance and structure can keep their routine consistent. Keeping their environment familiar with toys and snacks can help your pets continue to be happy in their new home.

Photo by: Scott Chain (

Patrick Hanan  Posted by Patrick Hanan on August 27, 2009

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