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Packing Pots and Pans for a Move

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Even though pots and pans seem durable, just throwing them into a box can make them vulnerable to damage. For example, if the non-stick surface of a pot or pan is scratched, its functionality could be ruined. Take a little time and learn how to pack pots and pans for moving, so that you can avoid having to replace them.

Packing Pots and Pans for a Move

What you'll need

For packing pots and pans, you should have the following supplies:

  • Medium-sized box
  • Stack of packing paper
  • Roll of packing tape
  • Permanent marker

Packing pots and pans for moving

The best way to pack pots and pans for moving is to follow a systematic procedure. Although packing them is a little difficult owing to their unusual shapes, you can still follow a set of guidelines to make sure that nothing goes wrong in the process.

Go through the steps listed below and learn how to pack pots and pans for moving like a pro:

Prepare the box

Before you start packing pots and pans, you need to prepare the box they'll be going in. For this, secure the bottom of the box using at least two layers of packing tape. This will help prevent the box from collapsing because of the heavy weight. Now, spread a layer of crushed paper at the bottom surface of the box to provide cushioning, and you'll be all set to start packing.

Stack them one on another

Packing pots and pans can be done in stacks using a method called "nesting." Start with your largest pot, placing it in the center of the stack of packing paper. Wrap it in one or two sheets of paper, tucking the extra paper into the middle of the pot. Then, place the next-largest pot inside the first, and, in the same way, wrap both pots in another one or two sheets of paper. Up to three pots or pans can be nested in one package.

Take the wrapped pots or pans and place them on their side at the bottom of the box. Repeat the steps mentioned above with all your pots and pans, placing them on their sides in rows inside the box.

Nest the lids

The lids of your pots and pans should be nested as well. To nest lids, place one lid in the center of the stack of packing paper, fold one corner of paper over it, and place another lid on top. Fold another corner over the two lids. Then, add one more lid, and use the leftover corners to wrap the three lids together. Next, lay them flat in the box on top of the pots and pans.

Fill extra space with paper

Fill any extra space in the box with balls of crushed paper to keep the items stationary during the transit. Then, use some packing paper to add the final layer.

Tape and label the box

Once all the contents are placed and packed inside the box, seal it with tape and label it to indicate the contents and destination. Your box of pots and pans is now ready to be loaded onto the moving truck.

Sean McClain  Posted by Sean McClain on April 15, 2010

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