Two Men And A Truck Central Illinois, Champaign IL 61820-2513
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Two Men And A Truck Central Illinois

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Membership(s) & License Info.

Member of AMSA: Yes
Is a ProMover ?: Yes
License Info: US DOT # 1896266
ICC MC # 681950

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Two Men And A Truck Central Illinois Location


Two Men And A Truck Central Illinois
828 Pioneer St
ChampaignIL 61820-2513 USA

Contact Info

Phone: 217-398-2636
Fax: 217-398-2638

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March 1, 2016



1. many of my belongings were left behind during move even though there was still room on the truck (nothing was stacked higher than 5 feet tall (ie nothing was stacked over my head) movers stated they couldn't add more because they would be overweight (I was quoted for an 8000 lb move and my belongings only ended up weighing 5000 lbs, therefore all of my belongings could have fit on truck. I had to rent a second set of movers and truck to finish the move. (the movers also lied about how many boxes were left behind--they said there were 12 boxes left behind but they left 12 in the living room and an ENTIRE ROOM of boxes was never touched for a total of about 40ish boxes--filled 1/2 of a 10 foot Uhaul truck and weighed much less than the 3000 lb difference between my quote and what was moved) 2. many of my small furniture pieces were damaged/dented/pieces lost 3. freshly painted walls in house I was leaving were damaged, as were walls in house I was moving into (a brand new built apartment) 4. hard wood floors and stairs in both locations were horribly damaged. 5. move took hours longer than was quoted. 6. half of the moved items were supposed to go to a storage locker but the movers screwed up and brought over 30 boxes to the apartment instead of the storage locker even though everything was labeled as to where it was going. I was left with renting a second truck to move all of the items. 7. insurance claim filed with moving company and after months of waiting because I don't have photos of my undamaged floors and walls prior to the move to prove that the movers did the damages my claim was denied and now I am responsible for thousands of dollars worth of damages to refinish hard wood floors and staircase and repainting of house (which had already been repainted the week prior to the move!) (note I did not even include all of the damages in the claim as I didn't feel including the small inexpensive pieces of furniture that were damaged seemed worth it compared to the major damages to floor and wall)

Origin : Springfield, IL
Destination : Chicagil, IL

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