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Using the Internet to Stay in Touch After Your Move

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Homesickness is normal after a move--even if you're only moving to the other side of town. When it's inconvenient to meet for coffee with old neighbors and impossible to visit every weekend, using the internet to stay in touch is your best bet. Here are some tips for keeping in touch through the world wide web. 

Video calls 

Sometimes, a phone call just isn't enough after you've moved. A little time face-to-face might be what you need to get through a difficult time after a move. When there's miles and miles between you and your friends or loved ones, how do you connect? Video chatting has come a long way since its early days. Apps like Skype and Apple's FaceTime make it easier than ever to see the person you're talking to--making it as though they're in the room with you. 

Try one of these video services to stay in touch with friends after your move:
  • Skype
  • FaceTime
  • Facebook
  • Tango
  • ooVoo Video Chat

Social media 

Social media sites like Facebook and Twitter make it easy as pie to stay connected with friends and family. You can stay up to date with what's happening in each other's lives by simple logging on. Photos, comments and status updates are all on display, making it easy for you to keep up. 

Mobile apps like Instagram and Snapchat make it easy to share pictures with one another on the go and allow you to share a piece of your daily life with each other after you move. 


Email may seem old fashioned, but it's still how a lot of people keep in touch when they're at work or school. It's a bit easier to camouflage a funny email chain at work than it is to hide the iconic bright blue screens on Facebook. Before moving away, be sure to get your friends' and family's email addresses to keep in touch. 

Along with email, try online chatting. If you use Gmail as your primary email account, there's a perfectly good chat function at the bottom left of the screen. All you have to do is make sure it's enabled and you're good to go. Facebook messages and chat are also an option but again, if you're trying to plan out your weekend getaway with friends, chatting through G Chat is a bit easier to hide from your boss. 

If keeping in touch with your friends and family after your move is important to you, you will find a way to do it. It might not be a glamorous correspondence like in the movies, but a simple "Hey, how's it going" in your inbox might be all you need to make it until the next time you see each other. 

Free quotes 

If you're getting ready to make a move across the street, across town or across the country, fill out a free quote form to be connected with moving companies in your area. Always be sure to collect quotes from multiple companies and visit our extensive review database for customer reviews today.

Ana M. Ferrer  Posted by Ana M. Ferrer on November 25, 2014

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