AM Moving Services Inc, Hallandle Bch FL 33009 -
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AM Moving Services Inc

AM Moving Services IncVerified MoverVerified Mover

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2.7(6) Reviews
Accuracy of Estimate 2.3
Moving Services 2.8
Packing Services 2.7
Professionalism 2.8

100% Recommended based on user reviews

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Membership(s) & License Info.

License Info: US DOT # 3499052
ICC MC # 1154247
Insurance: On file: $750.000
Required: $750.000
Year of Estd: 1/15/2018

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AM Moving Services Inc Location


AM Moving Services Inc
300 NE 12th Ave Apt 301
Hallandle BchFL 33009 USA

Contact Info

Toll Free: 786-366-2107
Phone: 786-366-2107

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No Photo Gaq
July 18, 2023



principal, est une jeune sorcière qui quitte le foyer familial à treize ans pour Sfl Worldwide CUSTOMER SERVICE +1(805)-420 3oo6 Sfl Worldwide PHONE NUMBER +1(805)-420 3OO6 s’établir seule dans une nouvelle ville d’apparence européenne. Elle y crée un service de livraison rapide par les airs, car son seul réel pouvoir magique est sa faculté de voler, et fait de nombreuses rencontres qui l’aident dans son intégration et son apprentissage de l’indépendance. chers au réalisateur.

Origin : hgh
Destination : hfhf

No Photo Hgjgjg
June 20, 2023



jg it became a summer blockbuster and the first film to earn $100 million in U.S. theatrical rentals. CUSTOMER SERVICE +1(805)-420 3oo8PHONE NUMBER +1(805)-420 3OO8 CUSTOMER SERVICE +1(805)-420 3OO8 PHONE NUMBER +1(805)-420 3008 1975 – Steven Spielberg's film Jaws was released; it became a summer blockbuster and the first film to earn $100 million in U.S. theatrical rentals.

Origin : hghj
Destination : jhgj

No Photo Erica
December 24, 2022



Su estreno ocurrió el 29 de mayo de 2009 en Estados Unidos, customer service number is +1 805 301 7002 aunque antes inauguró el Festival de cine de Cannes de ese año, donde se convirtió en la primera cinta animada o en tercera dimensión que ha abierto este evento.

Origin : uk
Destination : uk

No Photo Addam
November 9, 2022



Make 1st Choice your LAST CHOICE. Unprofessional, Incompetent, Non-responsive, Damage your furniture with water rings and big gashes, 12 hours to move 10 miles. Forget items. Will not respond after they get your money! Disastrous Movers! The WorstAm Moving Services customer service number +l (805) 4lo -5040Am Moving Services customer service number +l (805) 4lo -5040Am Moving Services customer service number +l (805) 4lo -5040

Origin : ggg
Destination : zzz

Quoted Price : $2,223.00

No Photo Nan
November 6, 2022



AM Moving Services was subcontracted to move my belongings by the company I signed a contract with. If I were to go over the allotted space on the truck the difference would be paid at delivery according to the contract, but the driver demanded payment after loading the truck. What could I do, tell him to put everything back? So I paid the $1200 he said I owed. Then this company literally lost half my belongings--if not more. I had no bed, no living room furniture but an ottoman, no desk, no bookshelves, no dinner ware, no cookware, and worst of the loss was a lifetime of personal effects that could never be replaced. And much of what they managed to deliver was damaged. I filed a claim with MovingClaims and AM Moving Services took it back before it could be processed. I then filed the claim with Planet Van Lines (now dba as Western Van Lines) and they settled for a pittance. As the contract protects the company and not the consumer I had no option but to accept. My personal insurance was able to cover some of the cost of things that I needed. (Additonally, I received some things that were not mine. None of them had stickers on them--not that that would make any difference but it demonstrates the carelssness. After month of public record searches based on a name I found in one of the items I found the owner and I shipped her things to her. A few of the things were not hers and there is nothing to identify the owner so they are going to a non profit thrift store.) I knew people who had used moving companies and while they had a few mishaps, they received what was contracted to be moved. Never did I believe that a company could act so carelessly and with impunity. I have been left wretched and heartbroken over what I paid all my savings to move and then lost--but I would have paid that and more if it meant that my personal effects were properly delivered to me. Warning to all who will be hiring a moving company. Put your contact info on or in every box and item you are moving. And make sure the company you contract with will be the company that moves you.

Origin : Tucson AZ
Destination : Eureka CA

Quoted Price : $3,374.00
Actual Price : $4,990.00

No Photo John
July 28, 2021


do not use

This company was contracted by Gold Standard Relocation for my move from Arizona to Pennsylvania. The driver that came to pick up our possessions was totally dishonest. My charges were doubled in price. They lost a ladder that was not delivered. Cubic footage was increased without this individual measuring the items being moved or doing any kind math. When the pricing was disputed and Gold Standard Relocation reached out to AM Moving Services to explain, they did not cooperate at all. I was forced to file a claim with for the missing ladder

Origin : Arizona
Destination : Pennsylvania

Quoted Price : $2,071.63
Actual Price : $3,298.67

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