Apartment Guides - Moving in, Living with Roommates and Avoiding Scams - Movers.com
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Apartment Guides

Use these tips to avoid apartment rental scams and roommate problems while negotiating the lease and maximizing space.

  • Apartment Hunting

    When you're looking for a new apartment, there are a lot of factors to consider: a convenient and safe neighborhood, included amenities, and a price fits your budget. Do you know what to look for?

  • Your First Apartment

    If you are considering moving into an apartment for the first time, transition with ease by thoroughly preparing yourself. Create a budget and learn how to cut corners to save extra cash.

  • Roommate Guides

    Finding a roommate that shares your living style can be a difficult process. Do you know what questions to ask a potential roommate or how to save a friendship after these common disagreements?

  • Lease Guides

    A lease is a legal document that allows you to live in a residence for an allotted amount of time and can hold severe consequences if you do no abide by the fine print. Do you know what to look out for?

  • Apartment Moves

    Apartment moves require different types of services based on where they are situated, if stairs are involved, and access to a service elevator. Some moves will even incur extra fees.

  • Apartment Decorating Tips

    The best part of a new apartment is the opportunity to personalize it. Get creative with budget-friendly ways to decorate your apartment that maximize space and are allowed by your landlord.

  • Cleaning and Storage

    Movers.com put together quick and efficient cleaning tips to help you tidy up. Clean your old place to move on with your new life, get back your security deposit, and maximize space in your new apartment.

  • Rental Scams

    Avoid becoming a victim in a carefully-calculated rental scam. Do you know how to recognize scam artists and protect your money from them? The more you know, the less vulnerable you will be.

  • Apartment Trends

    Apartment rentals are becoming increasingly popular, and trends in the market are shifting. Keep up-to-date with what to expect in rental properties and what it might mean for potential tenants.

  • Apartment Living

    Moving into an apartment building or complex is a great experience but comes with its own set of pros and cons. Learn everything – from growing a garden without a yard to dealing with noisy neighbors.

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