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Big Johns Moving, Inc.

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4.5(1) Reviews
Accuracy of Estimate 5.0
Moving Services 5.0
Packing Services 3.0
Professionalism 5.0

100% Recommended based on user reviews

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Member of AMSA: Yes
Is a ProMover ?: Yes

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Big Johns Moving, Inc. Location


Big Johns Moving, Inc.
1602 1st Ave
New YorkNY 10028 USA

Contact Info

Phone: 212-734-3300
Fax: 212-879-7383

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No Photo Richard
October 11, 2012


Couldn't have been more happy

The entire moving experience was flawless and tremendous. My daughter was moving from Boston to New York. They were supposed to be in Boston by 9:00 in the morning. I figured they were going to be late but the movers were a half-hour early. They wrapped everything perfectly and were back in New York at 5:00 at night. The move was completed by 6:30 and everything was reassembled. The movers were very friendly and I would say we couldn't have been happier. I took their number and would be glad to give them to anybody who is moving.

Origin : Boston, MA
Destination : New York City, NY

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